OneGo Special Economic Zone Presentation

Summary: Researching on Ghana government initiatives in developing an Industrial Park and preparing a presentation for OneGo to formalize a relationship.

Client: OneGo Wisdom Group

Start Date: September 2017


Our client is an Accra based Chinese consultancy, research and investment group. They have a long standing relationship with the Chinese government and by extension a vast network to the biggest state owned enterprises in China. OneGo has been operating in Ghana since 2016 but have failed to initiate any of their major plans for Ghana. After consultations, MindNET was able to establish various initiation points for OneGo to begin penetrating into the local scene. Out of the many areas MindNET opened up for OneGo, a Special Economic Zone project was thought to be the best way forward. MindNET then aided OneGo create and develop a presentation for the Ghanaian Vice-President and the Minister of Trade and Industry, given advise on the main areas the presentation should focus on.

October 11, 2017