Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Summary: MindNET, in collaboration with project stakeholders, drew up a monitoring and evaluation plan for Spaans Babcock’s waste-to-energy (SWEEP) plant.

Client: Spaans Babcock Ghana

Date: May – June 2018


In collaboration with stakeholders of SWEEP (Global Communities, Min of Sanitation and Water Resources, Ga West Municipal Assembly), and an external consulting agency, MindNET completed a monitoring and evaluation plan for Spaans Babcock’s waste to energy plant.

Pulling from a varied number of sources and general research on waste to energy plans, MindNET crafted a draft M & E plan. The plan was based on 4 main fields of concern, Financial, Environment, Technologies and Social impacts of the project during construction then operation of the plant. After a draft was prepared stakeholders were engaged to record and integrate their feedback and input.

Due to the large elements of risk in the project, risks were independently scrutinised with similar themes in mind as with the M & E. The risk analysis further complemented the depth of the M & E plan drafted. The plan is an evolving document and will undergo further work with the continuance of the project.

September 30, 2018